![]() |
http://members.bellatlantic.net/~vze2fwz4/2up.gif http://members.bellatlantic.net/~vze2fwz4/2up.gif http://members.bellatlantic.net/~vze2fwz4/2up.gif http://members.bellatlantic.net/~vze2fwz4/2up.gif
http://www.cstone.net/~mays/Napster/slx-2.jpg For SLX, our brave soldier, who had the courage to defy the TANK. http://members.bellatlantic.net/~vze2fwz4/pow.gif |
Let it be known that the Ramona A Stone registered at the Red Light District is not me. Hmmm. Wonder who it is... seems I have a fan... nah... it's probably just Tom9504. He has some sort of bizarre Mark David Chapman type fixation on me...
:W: |
Oh lord.......this thread is really getting out of hand, there is no point to whinign about what happened to our poorl little slx
For this being the internet and slx just being restricted from the use of a message board, aren't you taking this just a little to far, I mean!! a rape victim and a man standing in front of a tank, both real life events, both had an impact on the person that the events happened to, are you trying to tell me that slx and you are so caught up in this message board that you truly compare slx to either of those individuals?
My advice would be to take this time to enjoy your family and the outdoors, and to learn not to sweat the small stuff...which is what this is, the small stuff, this is not going to have a great impact on the world, this is just a group of people that came to this message board to escape the trolling and bitterness that was the napster forum, and what you are doing..is bringing that all back, and making it impossible for people to enjoy what use to be a fun and informative message board. (Ps) this would probably be strange coming from Diego - but not from me.. His better half (aoife)... http://freespace.virgin.net/stats.n...men_square1.jpg |
:tu: Well said indeed !! |
hello aoife, some people think that slx is sixx, just want you to know I am not the oppressed :N: |
hehe ...:p
ya know, i've seen it said over and over, and i've said it over and over. chill out, turn off the box, check out the real world. but they dont. cause they love this, or, they dun have much of a real world to check out. take yer pick. i mean, if someone posts say 20? 30? more times a day, do you really think they have a life away from the board?? but for some once they climb up on thar soap box, and start yellin to what they believe is a captive audience, well, its hard to step down, or so it would appear.
so well yell on sanctified people:spin: and be irie |
So true. It's a good thing that, sooner or later, everybody gets tired. |
MAZE, I am a loyal and dedicated person, and I do believe that the napsterites underground is still the best place to be. I appreciate the work and dedication you've put into the place yourself, and your site makes me proud. My comment on going to other boards, was an act of solidarity with SLX. But when I go to RLD, I don't feel at home there as I would here. There it reminds me of some jailhouse atmosphere, where being "tough" is a virtue, and I get no feelings of warmth from anybody. It's just that I feel it's wrong to have fun and go about with "business as usual" here while SLX is banned. SLX is the ultimate beater of the dead horse, and I owe it to him to keep beating this dead horse.
This is SLX's home, and this is my home, and seeing SLX banned, makes me unhappy in my own home. DIEGO, I'm not saying SLX is a real life rape victim; I'm just making analogies and seeing similarities. Did anyone notice that the tank image was altered from the one I posted, by DIEGO? The moral of the photo must be that might makes right. |
And the moral of your reply ECLECTICA must be: learn to read. Or having mastered reading: understand what you read. Perhaps a reading comprehension course? In any case; I altered nothing.. Š |
Thanks for the lesson, teacher.
You are welcome, but understand that individual tutoring costs extra
:¬) Š |
There was hope by myself and the family of SLX that with GAZ's return, there would be a reinstatement of the banned members GOSSIPER, KELSTER, MORTAMER, and SLX. In addition, GAZDET was sent e-mails to at least three different addresses, but he has not acknowledged one of them yet.
I wonder if anyone here doubts the abilities of the long reach of my memory. SLX et al. are not forgotten, and I will continue to wait until the second coming, or the resurrection of the messiah GAZ. In the meantime, the members have all been suspended for a lengthy time now. If their suspension is without cause, then GAZ will be negligent. That's how it's looking so far for me, but we'll wait til he gets back before holding a trial and viewing the evidence, right? And now, banned members await in silence, as I burn the midnight oil in this vigil thread. Here are the e-mails sent to GAZ in the last few days. http://www.tatom.org/posts/open_letters_to_gazdet.htm |
bureaucratic snafus
Nice thread, DAWN. Why so few smilies?
You know..i have tried to stay out of your little one man war...but i am really getting tired of seeing your little name saying that slx is a prisoner of war/missing in action...
try reading this..and then tell me he is a prisoner of war...and btw..grow the hell up.... A Price for freedom – A POW Story By Dana Sinopoli Granddaughter of Arthur Rubenstein, 3650 Overhill Dr., NW, Canton, OH 44718 Winner Ohio Essay Contest, sponsored by Dept. of Ohio I want you to close your eyes for a moment and try to imagine being 19. Now imagine being pulled away from your family, your friends, and your home, and placed into hell with nothing but a gun and a prayer. You are a soldier in 1944, fighting in one of the most gruesome and pitiless wars of all time. World War II. It is Dec. 15, 1944. Your company, which consists of 250 men, is the furthest division advanced in Germany, after just having captured Kesternich. Early dawn of the very next day, the town is lit up by large klige lights as an entire tank division comes pouring into the town. The rumble of machines shakes the ground beneath you and creates a sound so powerful, it seems as though the earth is splitting into two. You are in the basement of a small house when a tank stops right outside the window. The .88 gun of the Panzer tank points directly at the window, forcing you and a handful of other terrified soldiers to surrender. At this point, there are only 50 of you left. Barely able to walk, being so weighed down with fear, you are all marched to a school house and lined up by a Germany Prisoner of War lieutenant. This man, who you feel nothing but hatred for, walks up and down the line of men, and out of everyone else, points at you. The lieutenant accuses you of having shot German prisoners. You are pulled out of the line and taken by truck to Bonn Prison Camp. You are still only 19 years old and instead of running around a college campus, you are put in solitary confinement. The cell is smaller than a closet, and has only one door. You have no overcoat and nothing to shield you from the cold. You see no one for six weeks and your only nutritional intake consists of erzats bread. Because the Germans did not have enough wheat, they would mix wood chips in with the wheat they have, and that is your bread. Every few days you are dragged out of your cell and interrogated by officers for a crime you did not commit. You are crowded by German men with shiny boots and crop sticks and relentlessly told to sign a paper admitting to killing German prisoners of war. Again and again, you refuse, even after being threatened with the firing squad. On Feb. 4, 1945, an Alliance British plane known as a Pathfinder drops flare directly into the middle of the camp. The impactful waves level the camp and destroy your solitary bunker. You crawl out and have to remind yourself to breathe, as you are witness to an inferno. Prisoners of war of all the Allied countries are screaming out of joy, confusion, bewilderment, and some scream because it has been so long since they have had the freedom to do so. There are fires all around the you see body parts flying through the air. At dawn, you and the other survivors are organized by your nationality. This mostly consists of Yugoslavians, British, French and Americans. You and the other Americans are put into a box car and shipped to Limburg. You are still only 19. You are filthy, grossly underweight, sick, yet exhilarated beyond belief to be out of confinement. The conditions in Limburg were far from home. There are over 500 men sleeping on the dirty floors, no water, and not a single care package is ever sent, although before going to war, you were promised to have them daily. As though all this were not enough, you come down with diphtheria and as the camp is evacuated, you are left with 12 other prisoners. The next day, the Ninth Armor Division greets you with utter disbelief of your condition. After many months in the hospital, you are given a leave. After experiencing more trauma than anyone should have to endure, you finally arrive at the train station, longing for the secure arms of your mother. You small at her and almost collapse as she walks right by you, unable to recognize you due to your condition. Pain does not end just because the war did. Everyday is a reminder of being a 19-year-old prisoner of war. After seeing such an evil side of man, it is an amazement that you even find a way to greet each day. This is my grandfather, Arthur Rubenstein’s story. It was once said that “it takes 20 years or more of peace to make a man; it takes only 20 seconds of war to destroy him.” This war is a story my grandfather kept silent about for many years, and as amazing as it is to hear what happened, it is just as much an honor to hear him be able and willing to tell it. The soldiers and victims of WWII should never be forgotten, for the price of freedom should never be as great as it was. There are a lot more stories like this...from wwI to Korea...if you want me to paste them i can.... HellBound |
I agree hellbound, truly being a POW is hell. Slx is far from it
Sure go ahead and post some more. Say whatever you want; I will not close this thread.
Re: bureaucratic snafus
Now there is a thought eclectica......close this thread Hmmmmmmm Would you like me to do it for you??? or perhaps we could have a poll.......... Should this thread be closed ? You choose. Hi!! Dawn :W: :BGS: |
And hello right back IceMan! :hip: :W: :kiss: |
I had been avioding reading this thread, mostly because the subject matter was rubbish.
However, in amongst the crap there is a decent story. Thanks, Hellbound. Appreciated. |
Trying to remember me ever saying you had to close this thread....i am just saying...there is no way...no how..that your little buddy slx is a prisoner of war, missing in action. 1966. On a bombing raid over North Vietnam, Air Force Captain Pete Peterson was shot down and captured by Vietnamese militia. The next six-and-a-half years of his life were characterized by isolation, torture, and interrogation. Ambassador Peterson recounts his experiences as a prisoner of war (POW) and how he and other prisoners managed to survive. On his capture: On his sixty-seventh mission, Peterson's F4 was hit by anti-aircraft fire. He ejected from the burning plane and crash landed into a tree. "I heard this group coming toward me and it came directly toward me because I looked up in the tree and the parachute had completely enveloped the tree, a white parachute. I had to contemplate whether I was going to get off the planet or not and in the process of doing so, I actually pulled out my .38 revolver which was strapped to my waist and suggested to myself that maybe it would be easier and a less painful process if I just took the revolver and ended my life." Under strict orders not to kill American pilots, the local militia delivered their prisoner to the military authorities. En route to prison, Peterson and other pilots were paraded through the villages, the object of hatred from a people who had lived too long with a devastating war. Peterson was first taken to Hoa Lo prison, the "Hanoi Hilton" built by the Colonial French to house Vietnamese prisoners. During his captivity, Peterson was held in four different prisons, including three and a half years in one cell at a prison nicknamed "the Zoo." Like every other prisoner, his goal was to come out alive. On the will to live: "I think that 'survivability' is a very personal thing. I think each individual has to determine whether or not you are going to make an attempt to survive--it was critical to make that determination--after having made it then you have to find a way to deliver on that." On torture: "As far as the torture, the most difficult frankly were what would seem to be the most benign. . . Just kneeling on your knees and holding your hands in the air, that sounds rather innocuous. I can assure you that after a few hours and days going into weeks doing that, you became near a vegetable." Peterson still carries the results of this torture. Rope burns scar his elbows. His right hand often goes numb from the nerve damage that tight manacles produced. But for him, and most POWs, the greatest torture was the isolation. "Had we not some outlet for touching another person's life, it would have been almost impossible to survive. I think you would have lost faith, or lost confidence and probably given up." POWs were rarely allowed to see one another. They were kept separated from each other for months--even years--at a time. The prisoners developed secret ways to communicate. Messages were passed by sweeping, even blinking eyes--using the tap code taught in Air Force survival school. Although the Vietnamese knew about the code, they thought it was too slow for the prisoners to use. On secret ways of communicating: "As it turns out, the code was very, very fast, even if you just tapped with your finger or knuckle or your hand, you could pass a tremendous amount of information through the wall. To give you an idea, we passed Shakespeare through the wall; we passed movies; we passed our biographies and biographies of others we knew about. It was our entertainment; We talked or tapped on the wall for hours and hours into the day and night." On lack of information: "We didn't know who the President was. We didn't know that a man had walked on the moon. We didn't know the details as to anything going on in the streets of America and clearly there was a lot happening back there. In fact, the Vietnamese would bring quotes back saying that this occurred in such and such a place in an anti-war demonstration and we discounted it totally as propaganda." On Christmas of 1969, Peterson was taken with other prisoners to communion. Although he was quite sick, he was happy to be able to attend a church service. Eight months later a copy of the film taken during the Christmas mass was given to a U.S. Congressman visiting North Vietnamese diplomats in Paris. Although the communion was obviously staged for propaganda purposes, the film offered a welcomed glimpse of the American POWs. Throughout the country, families of missing servicemen huddled around their televisions looking for the face of a loved one. Pete Peterson was one of 75 prisoners seen for the first time since capture, who were now known to be alive. On POWs release: Three more years passed. In 1973, Peterson and 500 other POWs were released following the signing of the Paris Accords. He was reunited with his family who had never relinquished hope of his survival. "After the war I had two choices. I could go home angry, disenchanted, depressed. If I followed that path, I would always be walking backward. Or I could get on with my life. I woke up one morning and realized I had no control over yesterday. But I had full control over and responsibility for tomorrow. My choice was obvious." Just another actual POW/MIA story. Now show me where slx is like that POW/MIA. HellBound |
My god Helly. Those stories are terrifying. I think we all need to read things like that once in a while, so we can remember and appreciate just how good we have it. Thank you.
I mentioned closing the thread, because some people would close a thread if they feel it's hijacked or if the outcome of the comments are not agreeable. I wanted to assure you that I wouldn't do such a thing, and I hoped that with such assurances, that you would feel free to post whatever you want. Flame the hell out of me and SLX if you want.
Now why would we want to do that? :hot:
I won't flame you in fashion Electica I think Slx is a lucky man to have a friend in you and JCMD.
In truth any issues I had (if you can deem that that) were stated at the time AND I moved on. I am aware that won't happen here in this case until you recieve the f-you he is never coming back or yes he can if he wants too. My view is possibly they gave all the answers they are willing to and none are acceptable to this point since it is between Slx and the 3 muskateers not you, so therefore no answers forthcoming for you. You lost most support with POW theory in essence because it was a very extreme anaolgy that appears to be nothing like what is happening to Slx since he has only lost 1 privelage in a world of many. Aprivelage he was warned of losing none the lee as well. |
You could compare yourself to someone who has it worse, and think to yourself: "damn, I have it good". Or you could compare yourself to someone who has it better, and think: "damn, I have it bad". Regardless of who you choose to make comparisons with, improvement is always welcome.
day gotta bee BuTT PiRaTeS, or sumthin... :sus:http://www.theunholytrinity.org/cra...wm/cwm/eek2.gif:sus: |
Or something leaves open a whole lot of possibilities, like the rest of the whole Universe.
All members are free to go here, where no one is banned: http://www.partylounge.net/tof/ |
I say unban all the members now ......enough is enough for crying out loud.
Originally posted by rebel_mom
I say unban all the members now ......enough is enough for crying out loud. |
thanks for the edit job
Re: thanks for the edit job
Not that yours wasn't fine Rebecca. Just thought I would make it a little "LOUDER". Boob Sandy Floop SiXX slx Kelster Mortamer Gossiper |
thanky spanky
.019% of the members are banned... and quite justly I would say. Are they all POW's? Who do they have "on the inside" to fight for their cause? Yes, run off to whatever lawless, anarchist board you desire where rules are non-existent and having social responsibilities isn't necessary. I'm all for survival of the fittest, but you must keep in mind, each forum has its own rules and reg's that must be followed if you want to participate, and the management within is in fact the ultimatum on that. |
And who are the fittest? Those who choose to live within the boundaries of the law. |
The fittest are those that can take it just as much as they can dish it out, if not more. I'm not saying "don't worry, be mamby," I'm simply trying to illustrate that no one should be too surprised at the cause and effect of their actions. I suppose the fittest would be those that push the envelope and test authority's will without going over the edge. Unfortunately, the edge has been pushed for so long and so far, that the original boundaries set have been dissolved, and now everything done to hold up the guidelines is seen as heavy-handed and unfair. Do I condone banning? In extreme instances, yes. But we shouldn't need to ban, as everyone should be able to act however they see fit and let the judgments of the collective forum peers be the praise or the punishment deserved. Aside from anything carrying legal infractions, of course. ;) |
so this mean everyone is going to get unbanned now?
I hope so |
Re: Re: thanks for the edit job
Re: Re: thanks for the edit job
you gotta love editing
Hey... why not.
Then they can be REBANED. That's the fun part anyway. Meanwhile RLD gives them all the voice needed now. |
Are you describing the law abiding citizens of the world, or Bin Laden and his terrorists? Quote:
Terrorists always scream the loudest when they are punished for their actions. Quote:
You just described terrorism pre-Sept. 11th. Quote:
So far on here as far I am concerned hurting feeling, vulgarity and stupidness were not lifetime punishments and at this point all have been more then sufficiently punished .
Please lets get back to basics and let them back in .........don't assume the worst if they act out again it will be their own fault. Obviously it is not getting swept under the carpet it is not a minority in as much by replies. Some are just sick of asking or hearing for that matter. End it now be the bigger person and unban those that even want to return. add a Bitch and moan rip your hair out section for the untethered to scream. |
Yep that's right. meanwhile there is always RLD. That's probably enough. |
your probably right
Re: Re: thanks for the edit job
Re: Re: thanks for the edit job
I'm sorry Belle, but I can't see how or why this thread would directly correlate to the recent, tragic world events. What in the world does forum melodrama have to do with the senselessness and absolute horror of terrorism? Am I missing something here??? :con: |
Imo, "survival of the fittest" does not describe people who live outside the law, or just within the edge of the law, whether you're talking about a forum or the current state of the world. People who continually hit the edge will eventually fall off the cliff, they are not survivors. Rather, it is the masses who live peacefully within the law who survive, again, be it a forum or a civilized society. The horrors of terrorism are the actions of those who believe they are above the law, those who have no respect for the law. It is simply an analogy, in reverse maybe. |
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