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epitaph for napsterites.net
I believe that persistence and loyalty are values which are underrated. I have been persistent on this issue, that I want SLX and the rest unbanned. I was intending to post my epitaph in this vigil thread that I started here:
http://www.napsterites.net/undergro...=&threadid=5189 and archived as well here: http://www.tatom.org/posts/napsterites.net5189.mht but found it closed. So I post my epitaph here in this new thread instead. It is just as appropriate anyway, because what for me started as a SLX issue with his banishment, has become a general disgust with the management of napsterites.net. Lately I haven't been posting here much. I've already made my case for the unbanning of SLX, and have given the place an informal boycott. Now I would like to bring closure to the subject, and sever myself from this forum. Despite all the debates of pros and cons of the banishment of SLX, it is the emotional fact that SLX and KELSTER are my friends, and banned here, that has caused me to be disgusted with this place. The whole banishment back in late August was the beginning of me becoming cognizant of mismanagement at this forum. Prior to that I had read threads by others warning of how bad Gary (also known as GAZDET) was, and I ignored them. Not that I didn't read them, but I thought they were being unreasonable, and I didn't at that point doubt Gary's credibility. I suppose it's like the varying reactions that people would have when viewing the Rodney King videotape: Whites tended to see the police as benevolently keeping a dangerous man in check, while Blacks saw on the tape a man who was being severely and unnecessarily beaten. This all comes from perception. Blacks tend to see things differently, because in general they have been exposed to more police brutality than Whites. For me the banishment of SLX, and the ensuing arrogance which was displayed by the administration afterwards, was a wake-up call. I started out in the Napster forums in April 2001, and then gravitated to this forum when they closed in May of 2001. My understanding is that Tom Maze created the concept of Napsterites. What are Napsterites? To me they are the sons and daughters of Napster, dedicated to the love of music. Remember, that Napster was the original music lover's community. Now that is probably no longer the case. However, the names and ideas linger, and carry on to a next generation. Even great visionaries such as our founding father Tom Maze, get many of their ideas from others previous to them, and build upon them. From the general history page of napsterites.net, is written: Quote:
And so I'm left to compare napsterites.org with napsterites.net, and I find that the former, .org, is the real Napsterites forum, founded in the true spirit of the Napsterites. That's why I've been posting there and not here. I'm under the impression that most people here were against the permanent banishment of SLX and others. However, many of you continue to post here. I suppose you may consider it a minor injustice and not worthy of a boycott. To me it is a very serious thing. I once asked Gary what he would do if his well oiled machine http://members.bellatlantic.net/~vze2fwz4/gaz.gif encountered a faction that threw a monkey wrench into his gears. That's what you all should have done if you had really cared enough about the issues. After all, it's no big sacrifice; you're simply boycotting a forum. But this wasn't done, and now you too are all a bit responsible for my absence here too, because you all didn't do enough to try to fix the problems here. I understand that leaving this forum is a punishment, mostly of myself, and also of you who are my friends. I am reminded of the Robert Frost poem "the road not taken". I could have chosen the easier path, but instead I am choosing self annihilation. It has been difficult for me to arrive at this decision, in my balancing between friendship and principle. And I will miss a good portion of you here. However, let's not be overly dramatic; all I'm doing is declaring myself dead here, and still you can find me and my new forum posts at: http://www.napsterites.org/forum/ and: http://www.partylounge.net/tof/ This epitaph comes at coincidental timing for a little controversy here now, the current banishment of SIXXGUNNZ. More information on it, as well as a collection of very good comments, can be found here: http://www.napsterites.org/forum/sh...s=&threadid=743 What is it that brings Napsterites together? We hear that it's the music that brings us together. I do believe that there are forces strong enough to bring us all together. After September 11th, SIXXGUNNZ made the proposal that all banned members be given amnesty. Yet this wasn't done here. I do believe that what happened September 11th was powerful enough to bring us all together, yet this administration, in its stubborn arrogance, refused to grant amnesty to all banned members. This drives the point home to me that this forum, napsterites.net, is really Gary's forum. When it comes down to it, it is his paid forum. It doesn't take much for him to remind us of this either. Every domain name owner has a breaking point, where it stops being a gift to the public and starts instead being personal. However, I believe Gary is too sensitive and moderates too heavily. In the forum napsterites.org, I am struck by the difference between here and there in the attitude I see displayed by its founders CASH and SIXXGUNNZ. Basically their attitude is you can make fun of me and others or disagree with me, and I'll have fun; which is a much more Liberal attitude than what I see displayed here. After I post this, I will close this thread, and soon enough I will be forgotten. Life will go on for the rest of you. So let it be written; so let it be done. |
Bye bye eclectica! :W:
Thanks for all the great loser humor and your endless creativity in the art of whining! I trust your light will keep shining brightly whichever part of the cyberspace you choose to bless with your presence. My love will be with you as always! :KSY: :love: - tg ;) |
bye bye
baby bye bye |
:SH: we do try and get help for you..
of course.....this may be a satirical version of a real post :BL: Quote:
seeya dude :W: |
Seems like the week for attention whores
dun let the cyber door smack ya on the way out
No you won't. Quote:
Sorry but we don't know who the hell you are in the first place. Are you someone important? Quote:
As it does. You got that bit right Einstein. Bye whoever you are :W: |
This forum is flourishing, with new members coming all the time. It's growing, not dying. :)
i'm quite happy to say that many of us do know who ECLECTICA is.
and nowhere do i see a trace of him saying that .net is dying. it is funny how everyone can call what he is saying, whining. it is an opinion. eclectica is the one person who has shown the most loyalty of any user i've seen. maybe u's don't see that as a useful quality in a person, but i do. just because u don't like the person, whom, he shows this loyalty, u think it is whining and weak. i beg to differ. and i would consider it a privilage to call anyone with this nature, my friend. :beer: |
Ok, I misunderstood. Epitaph is for something already dead, not dying. My mistake
Main Entry: ep·i·taph Pronunciation: 'e-p&-"taf Function: noun Etymology: Middle English epitaphe, from Middle French & Medieval Latin; Middle French, from Medieval Latin epitaphium, from Latin, funeral oration, from Greek epitaphion, from epi- + taphos tomb, funeral Date: 14th century 1 : an inscription on or at a tomb or a grave in memory of the one buried there 2 : a brief statement commemorating or epitomizing a deceased person or something past |
was that the only point u got out of it, dawn?
Chill out Nanook. I like eclectica. I've never had anything bad to say about him. I'm sure he knows that too.
Hmm..In a way, aren't we all attention whores. After all, who enjoys posting a thread only to have it not responded to and have it fall off of page 1.;) |
i just don't think u r understanding it. "...all I'm doing is declaring myself dead here, and still you can find me and my new forum posts at:..." |
assorted enjoys that...he's making a career out of it on the b00mb0x forums www.b00mb0x.cjb.net |
You guys have the right idea :tu: Quote:
...looking forward to the intro movie too ;) :D |
Great Scott! The trolls are slinking away one by one. Whatever shall we do?
hey nanook, unions suck!!!!!!
muhahahahahhahahah |
it is TRUE, This forum also cures INSOMNIA, many nights I can't sleep, so I just start reading this forum, before I know it my alarm is going off and it is time for work. King Gaz and his marry chumps of EGO Problems. The new members will not stay long, In my opinion, they will get bored and move on. Say to the I can't believe it is not butter forum, where quite a debate has started. I personally can't believe it isn't butter.....can YOU?? aaahhhh fuck it.... ps...Unions do SUCK.. |
Loser humor??? Aren't YOU the reason slx was banned in the first place?? He maybe whining but it is better then starting something and running for cover when you've been proven wrong.... Farther be a whiner then a COWARD....that is to big headed to admit they were wrong.. Hey King Gaz,:att: |
Have you ever thought about joining the circus, some need a bearded lady you know..... |
you should be a song writer.....Sounds like a backDoorBoy song... |
Perhaps, if you belong to a lousy union. You could also work for a lousy employer. Union workers on average are higher paid than their exempt counterparts. After all..Higher pay and better benefits are the bottom line of any job. |
Although your statement may sound logical, it isn't true. If one loves their work or job, they'll be happy, satisfied employees. Overpay or over promote somone in a job they hate and they'll never be a long term, productive employee. |
Not unless they are paid well. Who would be happy with their job if they like what they do but are underpaid?. Bottom line is what you make to support yourself and/or your family..Its important to be satisfied with your job but it has to pay well also. What good are jobs if you like them but don't pay? |
ive worked jobs that required union membership, and ones that dident. the best/highest paying jobs ive had were non union. all in all ive been in 3 unions, and all they ever did for me was take money from me.
theres this thing some say, that if yer in a union and you get in a jam well they will back you up. not in my expierance. i was working for the state of Arizona, got in a bad jam, called on the union and they said "sucks to be you, good luck". i scheduled a meeting with the director of the state agency i worked for, and saved my own job. let me tell you faceing down the big boss on that hot day, was something ill never forget. thought i was fried. but somehow i did it. alone. |
Anyone who is an employee and is not a member of a union is a bludger.
(This will get Spart all reved up.) Hello Spart :W: :f: :BL: :W: |
Nothing is stronger in the unionization department than the motion picture industry. I remember long ago when I first worked at Disney I was highly in danger of becoming what's known as a "scab" (someone who takes advantage of the workers being on strike against the union and tries to land a job and fill thier position while they are). I had just arrived and was green as could be ...had no idea even what a scab was ...which shows ya just how green I was. That studio is highly protective of thier final output anyway. And no, I learned and didn't do anything underhanded against my peers. Almost every union in that town has been on strike at one time or another. The Screen Actors Guild, Writers Guild, all of 'em. Everything is very free-lance now. In the old days everything was set up like a factory. There are advantages and disavantages to both systems.
PS: What the hell is a bludger? It's not at dictionary.com ...lol |
thats interesting Maze, but, what do you think of unions personally??
Bludger.........Australian term......Meaning = Freeloader of the lowest type.
And what has been the outcome to date Tom? Have the pay rates and conditions improved for those who stood up for a better deal? And do those who are not in a union, now enjoy the same benefits the union members achieved by their actions. We know the answer to that. |
As far as I have seen so far, unions do nothing but protect the lazy people from getting fired. Where my hubbie works, they've voted for whether to have unions or not several times, and it's always voted down.
I'm sure there are unions that are fair to all the workers, but we've not seen them here. Just my humble opinion of course. :) |
It's called democracy Dawn. Quote:
A union is only as good as it's members want it to be. If you don't like your union what have you done to make it better? Quote:
And as always, most welcome too. :kiss: |
Well, as I say, I personally feel there are advantages and disavantages to both ways to go about things. I personally have rather like the family feel of belonging to a "larger whole" ...and they can really look out for you. On the other hand, this can also pave the way for manipulation and controlling your every move by those inclined to do so and that inclination depends a great deal on just what is at stake. Even basically good people sometimes do the wrong thing.
Ice> "And what has been the outcome to date Tom? Have the pay rates and conditions improved for those who stood up for a better deal?" Actually... yes. Almost always it has resulted in what those on strike hoped to achieve. You have to understand it takes a lot for them to go on strike in the first place. If we're talking in a lucrative and rewarding atmosphere to start with, something must be "pretty damn out of whack" for them to actually strike. Ice> "And do those who are not in a union, now enjoy the same benefits the union members achieved by their actions." I suppose some do ...but in an industry like the above mentioned you pretty much play by thier rules which often involves being part of the union, having your SAG card, ect. To be sure, newcomers enjoy the benefits of previous strikes. |
PS: I think it's important to note that I'm talking about all this as if I know a lot about it ...I don't really. Hahaha!:BL:
unions suck!
just another governing body trying to control another governing body at a cost to the individual my logic? If I don't like the conditions, I move on Tom, I was a scab once also, and didn't know it, didn't really care after it was made clear to me (@ the age of 19)....I just wanted to work...that was it....still is :) I know a guy (union) who brags on the money he gets for reporting a supervisor that does physical labor ....paying "stoolies" to report someone that actually works...I don't get it at all .........never will sorry Ice, luv ya, but .....you're not a super by any chance are you? Or worse yet a "stoolie"? I have also had the unpleasant experience of friends on PROLONGED strikes (UPS about 5 years ago), watching their families hurt AND I put them to work with no real skills of value to my company, just to keep them alive...............ya know who made out....upper level with stock holdings.....the government had to step in and stop that Mafia "arm twisting" ....f**kin' greedy bastards! |
On the other hand, if you kiss corporate ass for twenty freakin' years .....you deserve to double your stock
i dunno I'm self employed, always was, always will be ...can't relate |
Yes, there are those who act unscrupulously in unions. I don't have much respect for someone who would brag about it. Although I will say this. In a union/management agreement, if supervisors are doing the work in the job description of a union worker and is caught, that person must be reported and brought to a grievance procediure as outlined in a collective bargaining agreement. This is in place to protect the jobs for the people that are supposed to be doing them. It's not fair that when a company for example calls for a layoff to reduce head count because the work is out there when in fact it may be but is being done by those who are not supposed to be doing the work in the first place. It is a breech of contract when supervisors do the work that is covered under a CBA. Penalties can range from a warning to a monetary settlement to those affected by such an action. |
and Maze made the best point. there are advantages and disadvantages to a union. and oscar u always remind us as to why the "union" can be a good thing. why the birth of such a body, came to pass. oh how we can forget...... |
yer right, its not fair, its business, who said it was ever fair? while i have been strarved for a raise by some, ive also been on the other side of the fence watching the bottom line, and wondering if any will have a job next week. when i was a manager and the union went out on strike i did ALL the work ment to be done by my employees, but wait, they were not there. oh yea, like a year later, after many had lost houses and everything else, they setteled for a worse offer than they had in the first place. that was a sad ugly episode. kind of thing leaves a bad taste in yer mouth. ive heard from some that some instances of socialism are pretty fair?? wouldent know myself, i like it here, in unfair land.:p |
Yep.. I'd be fired in a minute. |
Hehehe, you make me laugh Mr. Lars :BL: |
Thank you Oscar, I think I needed to read that. I am self-employed, and I've had a bad attitude about it lately. If the work gets done, I do it myself, and I've been a little burnt out about the daily 24/7 responsibility that goes with the job. But you & some of the others have made me realize how free I am. There is no one to report me for anything. I am my own superviser. Grievance procedure? What the hell is that......maybe ignorance is bliss after all. My #1 responsibility is taking care of my customers. That is my only 'rule'. Thank God I don't have to think twice before I do the work that needs to be done. |
I almost forgot, this is eclectica's thread. I like eclectica, and I'm sorry he is no longer here. And I don't appreciate administrator type peeps belittling him. To the best of my knowledge, eclectica was always a friendly and creative poster. He was/is a very likeable and intelligent person. He had that one thread that seemed to irk some people, but didn't he have the right to air his opinoin? Why should he now be made fun of?
The bottom line is this: It is the forum's loss that eclectica is no longer here. And I miss seeing his posts. bye eclectica:( |
Hehe... Hehheh... HAHAHAHAHAHA! *sniff* You're too funny dude... Oops! unless your serious... In that case... I'm so sorry for you. :att: ;( |
Re: epitaph for napsterites.net
Excellent post Eclectica. I too have missed you around here. I know you to be an intelligent and fair individual. They are scarce around here anymore. Seems fitting that the only people that took cheap shots at you instead of seeing your post as your opinion and it's right to be posted, were the owner and his hand picked enforcers. Nothing could better illustrate everything you said in your post. |
Why would that statement get me reved up??? I am not an employee....I am Self Employed..... oh and Hello Ice |
Eclectica! That was indeed a very nice post!
I had missed your well thought out take on the matter. Not to mention... http://www.cstone.net/~mays/images/...es/hijacked.gif ...which I'm afraid I too participated in... I've always rather enjoyed having Eclectica & slx around & would like it if they returned. If not, I can always visit napsterites.org... |
yea cause unions suck!!!
hehehhhehe |
lol...well, c'mon now greedy ...all I'm saying is that it wasn't too cool for some of us to get so completely off the track of the thread. You wouldn't care for it much either if someone did it with your own thread ...any more than if someone got in your car and decided to drive it somewhere else other than where you were going.
I mean it too when I say I enjoyed those guys posts. I did ...and feel like they ought to stick around. In my favorable response to slx and eclectia, I feel it's also important to point out that I just don't exactly feel like I've seen this heavy handed treatment by gazdet that's often been discussed. I've never felt like I was in an oppressive environment under a dictatorial ruling thumb where I really had to watch myself or I'd be censored or banned. If I did, I think I'd leave too. Feel like I've pretty much said or done whatever the fuck I wanted to. I come here, I post, bla ...that's about it. Naturally, one must comply to the server rules of no warez or porn, but even then, I've seen some pretty raunchy stuff here. I was gonna say who needs it any way ...it's a click away all over the net ...but it's kinda fun to point out to your friend "don't ya think this is a good looking girl or guy in this nudie pic" ...and this whole damn site is about obtaining music & warez...lol! I think that's the true meaning of Napsterites...that we're a bunch of fucking thieves...lmao:BL: ...jk ...I really do believe it's about sharing what we have ...the files on our computers. What I'd like to see in the future is sharing some incredibly rare stuff ...stuff you've had for years on VHS tapes and albums from the days before there was computers, CD's and DVD's. That would be some of the older ones among us, but I myself have a hell of a video collection most of which is rare stuff I taped myself. Anyway, I just hijacked my own post. I'll wrap by saying gazdet has just simply come across as being pretty lenient to me. There's no censoring of language, and we're all pretty much getting around the porn & warez thing. And unless you're being outrageously disruptive, aggressive or hostile to the point of where an exorcisim might do you good, it's seemed to me like pretty much anything goes. Anyway, I guess that's been my take on it.:SH: |
always a gentleman not like greedy... "unions suck"....you are so crude sometimes :RE: I wanted to post "The Remote Viewing Experiment" over there cuz I think people like floop, slx, sixx, and eclectica might dig it....I just didn't have the time to do both :( |
:o |
:AP: :CG: :S:
Re: Re: epitaph for napsterites.net
:con: But I still find his post funny. I can't help but see the humor in Eclectica playing Malcom X to slx's Dr Martin Luther King in regards to posting rights on a online bulletin board. *Yawn* :RE: By the way JC: What roll are you playing? |
That makes as much sence as anything else I've read,
here, lately. :tu: |
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