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2003-12-26, 06:23
This tune I heard tonight...

Lit (the artist) - Happy In The Meantime (the song)

I'm up at my mom's house, in Appleton, ME.... she only has dialup which is currently connected at 45.6kbps (leet) and I'm on the eMule network grabbing another song right now (I already used eMule to grab that one)... I'm getting Unwritten Law - Up All Night..

KaZaA Lite went under, so this is my next option for quick p2p.... actually I should of used WinMX but I just didn't think about that program until....welll....right now... but I guess that's what happens when you get 9 beers into ya... (hush, I'm a light-weight)....(did I mention I'm a minor?)

MERRY FUCKIN' CHRISTMAS!!! and oh yeah....HAVE A GOOD DAY JEWS.. since you don't celebrate this shit and all...don't think we forgot about ya;) :beer: :beer: :beer:

2003-12-27, 01:29
well I know it doesn't die, I have it running on my main rig right now... it's just many of the downloadable links have been shut down so now it's more difficult to get your hands on a copy of it... and where I was lazy and just wanted a song, I grabbed eDonkey... and it works with dialup, but it sucks ;)

2003-12-27, 18:29
I stopped running that OpenNap server. They aren't what they used to be. The best content is on the WinMX network, and you don't find much on the OpenNap or SlavaNap servers anymore. If I had to set up a p2p program quickly, then it would be WinMX. It's the one I recommend for beginners.

2003-12-27, 20:47
They ought to lower the drinking age to 18.

Legally you become an adult at a certain age, but don't let the law tell you when you are a man, son. For some it comes at age fourteen, while for others it comes at 69.

When I was in college I was socially conservative. I only got drunk a couple of times. One time in college I got drunk and laid down while still dizzy. Then I ended up vomiting. So I learned my lesson that it's not to good to lie down until the dizziness has subsided.

I didn't get into drinking until after I got out of the Army in 1993. I lived with my father then and when he left town I had parties in the house.

I've tried marijuana, but I don't like it.

2003-12-28, 04:06
Originally posted by Beejus
well I know it doesn't die, I have it running on my main rig right now... it's just many of the downloadable links have been shut down so now it's more difficult to get your hands on a copy of it... and where I was lazy and just wanted a song, I grabbed eDonkey... and it works with dialup, but it sucks ;)

lol, I have almost 13,000 songs on my computer (all 192kbps album rips..)

I usually mainly use IRC, but that's only good for recent shit mostly... Newsgroups, yeah, they got some good stuff if you can't find it...

other than that, Soul Seek and WinMX... everything else sucks...

Drinking age, I don't care, I'll still get it either way ;) weed...no thanks... just a lil buzz on for me, don't over do it, cuz that's semi-retarded (depends on your mood I guess) ....and definately DON'T FUCKING DRIVE...