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2004-02-06, 14:17
7-year-old Brandy McKenith said, 'You're going to go to hell for swearing to God"

PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - A second-grade girl from Pittsburgh was suspended this week from her public elementary school for saying the word "hell" to a boy in her class.

A Pittsburgh Public Schools spokeswoman told the newspaper that the student code prohibits profanity but does not provide a clear definition of what profanity is

break it down yourself.....profanity....

i'm certain 7 year olds are afforded the same protection under the constitution as 70 yr olds

give me a break

2004-02-06, 22:00
"Hell" is one of the mild four-letter curse words, along with "damn". I don't watch much TV, but I am surprised that "bitch" is now allowed.

By the way, which is more shocking?



"I'm going to insert my penis into your rectum and ejaculate deep inside your colon. Afterwards I will withdraw from your anus and take my penis, all covered in slimy feces, and force it deep into your throat so that you may lick and clean it off. "

2004-02-07, 06:21
YOU SAID THE FUCK WORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
totally unappropriate E

2004-02-07, 09:06
yo harby nite
this forum is haunted

2004-02-11, 02:24
i find that when things get 'out of hand' people tend to become overprotective.

When i was in highschool, i once made my geography teacher mad, and he threw a bin at me. He was mental... he would go red in the face and start throwing chairs, swearing, throwing bins. Nobody cared... it was just 'more fun in geography'. He failed me on a major exam because i drew a cartoon picture of edward scissor hands on the 'spare paper' attached to the back... i wrote a good review, but apparently drawing edward was inappropriate.

These things never got noticed...

My friend however got suspended from school for wearing a necklace that was visible. It was a string with a shell as a pendant.

THAT was inappropriate... but throwing chairs at students wasn't.

Mr Hazzard... if your out there, u mental cockhead, i hope ur smiling.

You know i had a science teacher who used to bring up the death of our parents everyday. "Now, if your parents die today, you're going to need to know how to work out the velocity of...". We used to leave class wondering if our parents would die today or tomorrow.

I think teachers are psychotic and nobody takes notice... children however, when going through their natural growing phases are punished for minimal things such as having painted figer nails. Ofcourse teachers were picky... they punished u, only if u didnt' comply with 'normalcy'. I used to wear pink nails... that was ok... my friend wore black nail polish and the teachers branded her a satanist and she spent everyday in the principals office.

errr, aha, point is, lines of proper and inpropper are blured, always will be. Thus the endless need and right to fight for justice.

2004-02-13, 22:55
Hey slx you old fart....:P

I was channel surfing the boob tube a couple days ago and the phone rang. I dropped the remote to answer the phone anaware that the TV had stopped on some public TV station that was airing a Dog Show until I was having my phone conversation.

Only a minute into the call I notice that the commentator at the dog show describing the dogs.

"Missy is 4yr old long haired sheepdog, From Nashville Tenn. my what a beautiful bitch she is."

This went on over and over like the dude was just giddy as hell because he was allowed to say bitch.

I realized it was a dog show, but after 10 times it really became completely annoying and childish.

2004-02-13, 22:59
Dollar to hear you describe this luatic throwing things at you, and then find out his name was Mr. Hazzard, I damn near fell off my chair with that.

The dude really was a damn Hazzard.

You don't by chance live in Hazzard County? ;)

2004-03-25, 00:33
the australian school system is pretty fucked up
and the only thing ya fucking hear about it is that teachers want more money
noone complained about a maths teacher i had in my last year that didnt talk to us just made us finish our textbooks
that was bad because he would leave the room for most of the lessons and there no was no help avalible
theres no real choices in where u want to go
why not help us help them
the more we earn the more tazes they get
they would get back the tax money in ten times the amount

2004-03-25, 02:38
I was searching around and found a site (http://library.thinkquest.org/C005704/content_teaching_it_methods.php3) that said: "The three most common teaching methods are rote learning, guided problem-solving, and diagnostic teaching."

In school some teachers I had were unimaginative and so was their manner of teaching. The worse thing for me in school was writing papers, because I couldn't write enough material. I looked at the papers of other students and they filled it with a lot of empty crap, but they got better grades than me on their papers. But look at how good my writing is now.

I failed typing, even though I am a good typist. I failed gym because I didn't want to deal with other abusive assholes. But I am in great physical shape now. I failed grammar, because I didn't understand the mechanics of it; but I have pretty good grammar.

A lot of kids thought I was dumb in school because I didn't talk much, and I had no trivial popular knowledge that one gets from watching a lot of TV.

2004-03-25, 03:25
I was searching around and found a site (http://library.thinkquest.org/C005704/content_teaching_it_methods.php3) that said: "The three most common teaching methods are rote learning, guided problem-solving, and diagnostic teaching."

In school some teachers I had were unimaginative and so was their manner of teaching. The worse thing for me in school was writing papers, because I couldn't write enough material. I looked at the papers of other students and they filled it with a lot of empty crap, but they got better grades than me on their papers. But look at how good my writing is now.

I failed typing, even though I am a good typist. I failed gym because I didn't want to deal with other abusive assholes. But I am in great physical shape now. I failed grammar, because I didn't understand the mechanics of it; but I have pretty good grammar.

A lot of kids thought I was dumb in school because I didn't talk much, and I had no trivial popular knowledge that one gets from watching a lot of TV.

Hey 'lurkie...,

that pretty much describes me until the 7'th grade. That summer my dick got huge and my mouth got even bigger.

2004-03-25, 03:37
That summer my dick got huge and my mouth got even bigger.
You know that would have worked out great if you could have given yourself blowjobs...or is that what you mean?

2004-03-25, 03:54
To add some more on my school experieces...

I recall taking a sheet metal shop class in high school and I was the only one from the smarter track to take the classes. The school was divided so that there were those who were going to college and those whose grades weren't as good.

People were surprised that I was taking shop classes, because no one else from that group was taking them. I thought it was bad that people were not well-rounded. Some people try so hard to be intelligent or classy that they think it means they can't change the oil on their cars.

The problem with a specialized and polarized society is that there is little common social fabric. You have the professional class and the blue collar workers separated from each other. Each one is incapable to do the other one's work, and so there is a big gap between what managers want and what workers want, in a company which structures itself that way. The problem with being specialized is that it is a type of stupidity, like being able to see the trees but not the forest.

Being a well rounded universal man like Leonardo of Vinci won't get you points on an IQ test, but that's the most valuable member that a society or a company could have.

I'm really happy in life too, because I have the imagination and interests that smart people do, but also the common sense that folks from the working class have. I do not have neurotic hangups. If I am unhappy, I will not visit a therapist; I will drink a beer.

2004-03-25, 04:43

Being a well rounded universal man like Leonardo of Vinci won't get you points on an IQ test


Wanna bet? I make things with my hands & mind.

All my teachers said I wasn't using all my Q's


I say, let's count $'s. :)

2004-03-25, 06:54
einsteins IQ was only around 160 so its not what u get on a test
those tests are too general
imagination is a great gift and when used is a great art

2004-03-25, 12:16
ja i hear u
ill cross any line man
just draw it in front of me

2004-03-25, 14:18
i'm tired dude. i'm going to bed. i just got off a 12 hour shift... and the only thing that is keeping me going is that i got a five dollar tip today... which is all i have until next wednesday lol. Anyway tomorrow i gotta be up again at 6 so see u later i guess

2004-03-25, 15:26
yeah im fucked ima goin to bet
good night all

2004-03-25, 22:17
You dudes down in Australia are getting up when I go to bed, and going to bed when I get up. For some reason it seems that we have the same schedule though. :confused:

That reminds me of my weekend, where I often stay up until 04:00 Saturday night/Sunday morning, and then wake up at 04:00 on Monday for work. So I have two nights of sleep within a 24 hour period.

I am at GMT -5.

2004-03-26, 04:34
im an insomniac
so dont count on me being up at any particular time
often im just doing something else and must miss u
its like 3 in the arvo and i got uplike an hour ago
i might catch ya later
our is gmt+10
same as japan

2004-03-26, 04:41
its PM
its actually 3:39 PM
and ive been in bed since about 5 this morning trying to sleep and got a little
its friday night time for a little drinking
amd whatever else

2004-03-26, 04:48
we are behind u on the other side of the pacific
search for a time zone map they are very helpfull
catch ya later man

2004-03-27, 18:10
4 AM now
times just got changed back an hour
end of daylight savings
more sleep time?
ill try

2004-03-28, 17:01
eastern australia
somewhere near sydney
and no ur going to stalk the neignbour n shit
they dont like ME as it is :p
maybe when im overseas ;)