2004-04-18, 21:13
If the bible and koran can have been the word of God filled with contradictions to what we learn of real life and many well researched fields
they both have errors in every field of science almost that it comes onto
astronomy - they both say the earth is fixed and the sun and moon move around us
all i get from christians (gunna get bashed for that-but u all know i dont care) is that i need to believe - just simply believe
that would really take out everything i know almost
now some of them say that science does work with the bible
but THEY CANNOT give examples of where it does but I CAN give plenty where it is in conflict
even with reality
it is warped from real lifes perspectives
things that cannot happen in reality happen because there is supposedly a God
though ask him to help u somehow and he wont do it
he has no need of parlour tricks
and one of eisteins theories has been proven (when it comes to the universe anyway many others are correct but are not relating to the universe)
they have found (china perhaps) through a sort of magnifying glass through space another planet in another solar system
eistein said something about light focusing though the gravity of planets
this has worked it out to be correct
and that was a derived theory of his main lot that all pretty much denies the being a possibility of god and his "creation"
noone will argue and if they do they are from one point
ive come from the christian side to this one so i know the best (or worst) of both world so to speak
they both have errors in every field of science almost that it comes onto
astronomy - they both say the earth is fixed and the sun and moon move around us
all i get from christians (gunna get bashed for that-but u all know i dont care) is that i need to believe - just simply believe
that would really take out everything i know almost
now some of them say that science does work with the bible
but THEY CANNOT give examples of where it does but I CAN give plenty where it is in conflict
even with reality
it is warped from real lifes perspectives
things that cannot happen in reality happen because there is supposedly a God
though ask him to help u somehow and he wont do it
he has no need of parlour tricks
and one of eisteins theories has been proven (when it comes to the universe anyway many others are correct but are not relating to the universe)
they have found (china perhaps) through a sort of magnifying glass through space another planet in another solar system
eistein said something about light focusing though the gravity of planets
this has worked it out to be correct
and that was a derived theory of his main lot that all pretty much denies the being a possibility of god and his "creation"
noone will argue and if they do they are from one point
ive come from the christian side to this one so i know the best (or worst) of both world so to speak