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View Full Version : are the Iraqis better off now than before?

2004-06-25, 01:02
It's now widely acknowledged that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, but some people still feel that the invasion of the country was still a good thing to do. They say the Iraqis are better off now than before when they were under the ruling of Saddam Hussein, and that makes the war worthwhile regardless of the initial reasons for it.

I disagree. I would rather live under Saddam Hussein in Iraq than live there now. There is little security, and that means there is little freedom or peace of mind. And that's not just temporary. I expect in the future for many years that Iraq will never be a peaceful democracy. It may divide up into different ethnic factions or have a fundamentalist Muslim state. The war in Iraq made the amount of terrorists increase in the country so that now it really is a breeding ground for terrorism.

I think the idea of imposing sanctions on a country as a way to turn people against the leader don't work and create resentment. A lot of Iraqis were starved due to the sanctions of the 1990s. A better way to topple a leader would not be through isolation of the country, but engaging and interacting with the people.

2004-06-25, 01:14
I disagree. I would rather live under Saddam Hussein in Iraq than live there now.

You're silly. Do you think they just might want to look to the future and hope it could get better, like we do?

Things are changing now, this could be their big chance.

Why do you think they are stupid anyway? U think they like the 'wack the heads off' style of gov?

2004-06-25, 01:30
isn't the saying, "it gets worse before it gets better"

hopefully, removing saddam is the 1st step of a long journey to a better place

2004-06-25, 05:09
and in the end its funny that the U.S. gave them the weapons factories to start with and blew the shit outta them in the first gulf war
they were great buddies
while he was a dictator
and the dictators they have put in power in numerous countries
the states have a record of fucking places up
the states have the nukes chem and bio weapons
the states spends more than the world put together
the states sells more weapons or producion equiptment and materials to the rest of the world including chemical , nuclear, biological
they have massive research
they sell weapons to nations that have bad rulers or to civilians so they can take over governments
the problem with the and the reason why everyone hates them is they are into everything
they don't get a say they throw sanctions and shit
and dodge the world court
remove themselves from international courts
now would u need to run if u were innocent
and they have to answer to us
military secrecy has made things very behind-closed-doors
will will get the truth sooon enough
i think the Iraqi people are worse off from what ive seen
and most of the people dying in Iraq in the 90's were children
from no medicine or food
almost half a mill or something
aggression is aggression
wacking heads off?
the Iraqi's hate saddam because he wacks them
the U.S. wacks who they choose and face no charges when war crimes are commited
now where the fuck have justice and morality gone these days?

2004-06-26, 02:10
[QUOTE=Criminal_Sniper]and in the end its funny that the U.S. gave them the weapons factories to start with and blew the shit outta them in the first gulf war

u got a funny sense of humor..

u laugh when people die?

I wouldn't plan on getting a job as a comic if I were you.

2004-06-26, 03:08
i think if u paid any attention u would realise that i don't think its funny
amusing yes
but not at people dying
only some sick fucks think people dying is a good thing unless its their time
u nicobie are like Bush u would say things like are u backing the terrorist's if not me and like do u think think they were better off with sadam or are u for dictatorship
u can fucking spin the shit in any direction u want to mate but the source stays the same
im starting to think U work for the gov Nicobie
but im not here to give a fuck about such things
i am here to point out unjust wrong things in this world
by doing so i am doing the people a favour
the day u americans have to show ur papers everytime u go out and can be killed without anyone caring see who cares then
we will keep saying we told u so

2004-06-26, 21:59
Who gives a flying fuck?

Are we better off with Saddam out of Power?

You bet your muslim hugging ass.

2004-06-26, 23:36
Who gives a flying fuck?

Are we better off with Saddam out of Power?

You bet your muslim hugging ass.

having lost more than 800 americans... how are we better now than b4?

2004-06-27, 01:23
i don't think its funny
amusing yes

u're creapie,

which dead person do you find "amusing". Pick one.

2004-06-27, 02:02
having lost more than 800 americans... how are we better now than b4?

Absolutely. How do we know that what we do now won't stop 10,000+ innocent non-combatant civilians from dying at the hands of a handful of murdering criminals with the next attack on our freedom. Doing something may piss people off, but doing nothing surely opens the door and not only invites but makes more and larger scale attacks inevitable.

2004-06-27, 04:14
Absolutely. How do we know that what we do now won't stop 10,000+ innocent non-combatant civilians from dying at the hands of a handful of murdering criminals with the next attack on our freedom. Doing something may piss people off, but doing nothing surely opens the door and not only invites but makes more and larger scale attacks inevitable.maybe you don't know my position...simply, i agree with what we're doing in iraq

the question is/was....how are we better off without saddam in power as you implied we are

2004-06-27, 06:09
Doing something may piss people off, but doing nothing surely opens the door and not only invites but makes more and larger scale attacks inevitable.
It's not a choice between doing something or doing nothing, but a choice of where we do something and where we do nothing. Maybe if fewer troops had been sent to Iraq more troops could have been sent to Afghanistan to actually fight the battle looking for Osama instead of renting out Afghan mercenaries to do the job, or maybe the troops could have been sent to a country like Liberia which really would have welcomed the troops with flowers. It's like budgeting; due to scarcity and finiteness of resources and power if you do something in one place, that means that in another place you have to do nothing to make up for it.

2004-06-27, 07:04
maybe you don't know my position...simply, i agree with what we're doing in iraq

the question is/was....how are we better off without saddam in power as you implied we are

Actually I was being sarcastic........I'm just so sick of that question "are the Iraqi's better off without Saddam".

They don't care. You have to wonder why we do.

2004-06-28, 02:40
even the one one who are aguing don't have a fucking clue about what the real issues are
u are all blinded by the false facts
or they are in ur face and are twisted

1967 - Mohammed bin Oud bin Laden, Yemeni immigrant to Saudi Arabia who eventually became wealthy as the owner of the largest construction firm in Saudi Arabia, was killed in a helicopter accident in Texas. His son Osama bin Laden, the 17th of 52 children, inherited millions of dollars.

ok now the Bushes were and still are in business with these people - The Bin ladens - now the brither runs it while the other creates the mess
just like a car crash creates jobs

but its all too sinister

carlyle group
the giant owl they worship (and the shape in DC of it = not to mention the statue)
the pentagram/pentagon
the obelisks - Washington monument...
This pyramid at the Louvre, commissioned by Francois "the Sphinx" Mitterand is made out of 666 panes of glass.
"A new order of the ages" on ur dollar bill
its all under ur noses and simply because people say its conpiracy and they deny it people forget or don't care to look into these things
\it would be worth talking to someone who see's these things

2004-06-28, 04:05
maybe u don't understand enough for it to make any sence or possibly denial
just like someone speaking another languages u may not understand but it dosen't mean they don't know what they are talking about
as promised in our msn chat i will produce for u what i see as evidence and my opinions and others as well
cospiracy theory is built apon real things that are usually lyed about thats why they are thrown out the window by many people
most don't care to look into these things i may change ur mind

2004-06-28, 04:22
but its all too sinister

i agree dude....they are a shady bunch of characters to be cautious of

2004-06-28, 04:24
no what i understand of the bible is wrong
not sayin i know everything but certain things contradict others and when contained in the one holy book im a bit skeptical

the biggest conspiracy lol - there isn't NO conspiracy

we will see yes

2004-06-28, 06:12
It is difficult to look at chaos and imagine that there will one day be order. With Iraq in a state of chaos, it is perhaps too early to start 'looking' back on the situation, categorising it as worthwhile and sucessful or a total waste of time.

2004-06-28, 11:49
see thats where ur a little wrong sorry to say but think bout this
this can be categorised
things that can be and should be
nationality, skin colour, hair, height, religion
but there must be no bad discrimination
here we have special services around here for native australians (aboriginals)
now that is discrimination in a good kind i would think unless the services are not what i think
but i don't know so i can't comment
but it's still the example of where things can be good

but a lot of things have been almost created to cause friction in our past
check it out
i ask u too look and listen for ur self
i heard something of a mason around here today
will tell u sometime :p
secret handshakes n all hehehe
and another thing what are u doing in Iraq?
why arent there just troops and aid and IRAQI WORKERS!!!!!
they take about rebuilding Iraq and the only way they could do it is emporer the people to spend
thats the only way it can be run in Democracy that works well for the poeple if u pay for the time with good wages and follow the rules and don't destroy the environment and to not pass laws to let them duck and weave around getting caught or in trouble
we are the poeople
A LOT of americans are involved in rebuilding Iraq
they will say it's not that much but a few bilion is like a few billion of years to a Scientist............
just 87 bill was a while back now?
when we have slavery oppression and fascism a few may say i told u so but we will never know if we forget about it
they would have nothing to hide either if innocent of these things
anyway more later

2004-07-08, 14:48
hehe i will get back to this im just soooooooooooooooooooooo busy

2004-07-09, 01:11

there's only one answer... under saddam Iraq was invaded by the world's superpower and it's allies twice in a decade... how can that be good leadership? laugh my fucking bum right out the window.