View Full Version : jihad
2004-06-25, 21:27
2004-06-25, 22:52
I'm thinking about driving down to North Carolina. May I stop by for a visit?
2004-06-26, 00:07
I think on the way down there I'll stop in and pay a visit to Cary Sherman and Mitch Bainwol of the RIAA.
I won't crawl into bed with anybody I don't pick.
I don't think anyone should be forced into being a whore.
Going the gov route turnes u into a prostitute for more govm'nt programs.
This system doesn't feed me. It feeds gov workers.
familar ring?
I should start a thread 'specially for u....
~post u're pay stubs~
Lets fire up them scanners. Hahahahahahahaa
fuc'n blowhard :rolleyes:
2004-09-09, 06:38
Dollahu Akbar
This is a wierd thread. What is jihad?
What is jihad?
Thanks, dude. I like the second meaning better. Spiritual depth is where it's at, but hey, don't ask me to discuss it. lol.
2004-09-12, 04:56
Interesting interpretation in slx's link from a Hebe about jihad. For example some excerpts:
Today, jihad is the world's foremost source of terrorism
violent jihad will probably continue until it is crushed by a superior military force (Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, please take note).
Rumsfeld is a bigger terrorist than Osama, and has killed more innocent people.
Here's a different perspective on jihad:
2004-09-14, 16:26
they have the motive
all 39 of them i believe
they own the oil companies or have some ties to them
they (the United States, Israel and Saudi Arabia) blow up the coutries that have the oil that do not agree with them and pass the blame
why did afghanistan get bombed when they were mostly saudi's that supposedly flew into the towers?
funny how they knew when there was no evidence gathering
and they knew nothing?
why did they have the full explanation the next day?
and yemen who is a huge harbourer of terrorists?
well in fact Israel and the US are the biggest
ariel sharron joked at how they owned the united states once
the first steel building to burn down in know history
black smoke
reduced heat and low oxygen
oxygen reduced for the fire that is already going out?
do they think we are fucking stupid
perhaps ignorant
fucking mini-hitlers
he always was man of the people
and bushs dads dad was dealing with him
great quote from Tool (yes again)
"don't just call me pessimist try to see between the lines"
what about the fire fighters yelling out that there were explosions inside the buildings? bombs to be precise
in fact the 9 countries that are part of the axis of evil are the ones that will not let in international bankers to run thier banks
u decide
do not let them do it for u
russian is on the bandwagon now
they have been waiting for a reason to get rid of the "terrorist" chechnya
funny in the hundreds of attacks i have seen by these people on video not one has been on civilian targets
is there something im missing?
jihad is overused
a fundamental muslim does nothing the prophet did not do
flying planes as we know was not one of them
or was killing huge numbers of people to prove nothing
they claim the terrorists are crazy and do it for no reasons other than power
is it the opposite?
2005-04-22, 11:11
Daddy? Say it ain't so. :sad:
2005-04-23, 17:08
jihad shall rain apon the land like acid tears of a million demons.......erm angels......erm dionysians.
2005-04-24, 22:28
out of pain into pain
worldy out of wordly
nothing about jihad is religious except for where it is supposed to come from
thing is it dosent really
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