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View Full Version : eclectica is a giant sexual electronic device...

2005-11-06, 22:46
It's fuckin' scary! ...and here we all are posting to this sexual freak (who is rather cute by the way ...I have to admit) ...ok ...now that ya got me here ...lol ...how the hell are you all? ...slx? ...you doin' alright pal? ...I AM NOT THAT SERIOUSLY DISTURBED PERSON...Timmy ...Did yaw get rid of him? ...Lord...let's all say a prayer for him now and wish him the best ...10,000 pounds of the McDonald's fatburger jerckin' off fool ...LORD!

ok...enough of that ...I've missed ya and I've loved ya goddamnit ... ...especially that dollar gal from the Austrialian wilderness ...yaw know who I mean...

PS: This was not easy...I'm still on Windows 98 ...and still fucked out of my goard...LOL ...love yaw...:)

2005-11-07, 03:36
It's fuckin' scary! ...and here we all are posting to this sexual freak (who is rather cute by the way ...I have to admit) ...ok ...now that ya got me here ...lol ...how the hell are you all? ...slx? ...you doin' alright pal? ...I AM NOT THAT SERIOUSLY DISTURBED PERSON...Timmy ...Did yaw get rid of him? ...Lord...let's all say a prayer for him now and wish him the best ...10,000 pounds of the McDonald's fatburger jerckin' off fool ...LORD!

ok...enough of that ...I've missed ya and I've loved ya goddamnit ... ...especially that dollar gal from the Austrialian wilderness ...yaw know who I mean...

PS: This was not easy...I'm still on Windows 98 ...and still fucked out of my goard...LOL ...love yaw...:)

quite possibly this could be the 'revitalising' post but I don't think it is.
I'd ask u why u think I'm seriously disturbed in order to draw the subject back to me and get people talking about me again but it looses its luster sorta like chewing gum on the bedpost overnight, y'know?

decided I'd talk a little more. When you type do you say the words as you type them? I do and I have sore throat and it hurts to type and say them at the same time.

Another note I was repenatent toward dollar have left her alone for a very long time now.

This sore throat's bothering me a bit. Are you back in cali now?
Still banging dudes?

Did you become gay or were you born that way?
When did you first know you were attracted to little boys?

How many have you molested over the course of u're lifetime?

how long u been out a jail?

You'd best keep ur distance from me if u know what's good for u. pervert.

Is this enough to revitalise the forum?

I even read a book on attracting more flies with honey but it didn't sink in.

2005-11-07, 04:05
yo....maze...how goes it...just ignore the obvious shit dripping from the ceilings here

you know, for the past 3-4 years i've been trying to figure out your schedule....like you appear at every 123rd full moon or every other martian occulation......or maybe when saturn is aligned with the hughes satellite....

i don't have it worked out yet but with the help of a fancy M$ spread sheet and excell, i should be able to predict your next uprising by approx 2017

how you been dude?

2005-11-08, 16:04
...lol slx ...I love ya you know ...I truely do ...Timmy boy? ...You ask me the question of why do I think you are seriously disturbed as if you are not ...when we all know you are ...I refuse to converse any futher with someone who is not honest!

2005-11-08, 16:22
PS: It took me forever to find this place ...but I think I got it now. :)

2005-11-08, 16:34
Hey... have yaw heard "Juno Reactor - Beyond The Infinite" ...??? ...those boys did a good job...it's magnificent!

2005-11-08, 16:51

When I read post #2 of this thread it seems that tim has the same writing style as nicobie. So maybe nicobie=tim=Maze

PS: It took me forever to find this place ...but I think I got it now

The site was down an hour ago; for how long I don't know. But for future reference you can bookmark the server status of this site that can be seen here (http://www.f5hosting.com/netstatus/). This site is on the Pluto server. I checked an hour ago and http was showing a red light, at the same time when my browser said that the connection to 3-3-3.org was refused.

It''s been so long Maze that you've been here, that I will tell you that I have a second daughter named Leilani who is now 9 months old. She is starting to crawl and is unusually tall for a baby. I have a doctor's appointment today at 15:30 where she will get her shots, and afterwards she will be tired and fussy. At some point I will try to vote as well.

I have new pictures but I didn't transfer them from CD to website yet, so when I do I can submit a link here.

2005-11-09, 03:20
[QUOTE=eclectica]When I read post #2 of this thread it seems that tim has the same writing style as nicobie.


Now that was below the belt...


2005-11-09, 17:19
..I refuse to converse any futher with someone who is not honest!

guess that makes you one of the few people who DOesn't talk to themselves then? btw where the fuck is DOLLAR!?!!1111

2005-11-09, 20:39
...yes ...I talk to my self all the time ...and I'm always honest when I do ...thought ya got me didn't ya Tim ...and nobody wants to hear your sexually depraved questionings of "where is dollar?" ...I'm sure you probably scared the hell out of the poor girl which now deprives us all of her devine presence! ...you extremely large turd! ...how dare you!

...Now ...lol ...For any futher reference ...Tim, Nicobie and I are indeed 3 different people ...I am in Virginia ...Nic is in my old stomping ground of Santa Barbara, CA ...and Tim is an ever growing pestulance in North Carolinia. ...and really, Nic was right when he said that was hitting below the belt (to infer he & Tim might be the same person) ...nothing could be further from the truth...I mean like REALLY further from the truth!...lol

eclectica! ...I'm so happy to hear of your latest baby making venture! ...LMAO...I couldn't help it... nah, I feel like I know eclectica so well ...I've had his links in my favorites for quite a while and read his life story a couple of times ...I rank his "Masturbating Jesus" thread right up there with the sublime. :)

2005-11-09, 21:11
jk...Tim ...but you set yerself up for it pal.

2005-11-09, 22:33
maze, i'm sure you just missed the sign on your way in but please take note....



2005-11-09, 23:12
really, Nic was right when he said that was hitting below the belt (to infer he & Tim might be the same person) ...nothing could be further from the truth...I mean like REALLY further from the truth!

Are you trying to say that it's so far from the truth, that it's done a full circle or made a 360 degree turn? (It's a rhetorical question.)

Well I'm glad you're a fan of the Masturbating Jesus, and I think I'm one of his top fans too. But I've got to tell you, that for all of the tough talk that the Masturbating Jesus does, he had to back down just once when my wife told him to move his collected diarries over to this site here from tatom.org. You see, Masturbating Jesus was hanging with all the other cool and interesting documents located at http://www.tatom.org/documents/, when my wife discovered his beastly presence and rudely ordered him off the website, because she didn't want such crude stuff on the same website in which family pictures were hosted. So Masturbating Jesus acquiesed and is now hosted on this site here, located at http://www.3-3-3.org/MasturbatingJesus.html after being banished by the almighty wife of eclectica.

While this may disappoint many people who have placed the Masturbating Jesus up on a pedestal for his unrepentant commitment to standing up for what he believes in, you ought to understand that our deity made a tactical retreat, so that he lost the battle but he won the war. And let us be grateful that the almighty wife of eclectica didn't discover the perverse writings of ah-pook / McT-Bone there on tatom.org or she would have likely thrown a menstrual fit.

and in case you doubt my continued will to destroy my enemies, ye shall commit a great folly. for my will is stronger than that of the emasculated spirits which hath tried in vain to oppose me or to tire me out. the dionysian will always win and rule, even over tough guys who liken themselves to be "alpha males". but i rarely like to boast of my great powers and great spirit so i thought this would be a great opportunity to reveal my spiritual genitalia to you.

ye hath been flashed by me.

as i said in my posting dated february 13th in the year 2003, i remain steadfast and unrepentant.
"i have no regrets and would do it over again if i could."
that's a big, fuck you very much, to all the people who thought i had quit the mujahideen because my pussy was hurting me too much.

i once said that slx ain't heavy because he's my brother. let me explain what that means. it is a reference to a world war two movie. whatever burden you may perceive i hath incurred by standing up for slx on that fateful day of august the 31st in the year 2001, is no burden at all anymore than carrying your wounded brother would be called a burden. it is an honor.

the unworthy lot who are envious of me may dismiss what i have done as unhealthy fanaticism, but do not listen to the naysayers who hath dismissed me, for they are a jealous lot who hath no devoted friends of their own.

and i would like for you to know, that when i wished that man of ill repute who is descended from criminal australian lineage, a happy 46th birthday on september the 5th of the year 2005 at the tehru forum, it was with the hopes that it would be his last.

2005-11-09, 23:23
jk...Tim ...but you set yerself up for it pal.

I'm glad to see people back posting again...i...whoops guess I'd better use comma's,,,instead of periods...otherwise,,,someone,,,might thing some things amiss here...(oops),,,better,E?

I wonder why dollar doesn't comment on your hyperactive posting style,,,the way you replied to this thread,,,three times in sucession,,,really had my vote for you being,,,me.

My questions were valid. I'm exploring my own sexuality and thought I'd ask some one who has been there what its like to 'walk on the wild side so to speak.

I was really reaching with the dollar reference. I forgave her a long time ago for messing with me she still requires control tho. I almost set her free yesterday but I like having her under me where she belongs.

You always seem so hyper-excited when posting here...are you really that excited? I don't like people who take themselves so seriously they can't have fun.

Aside from debasing me I wonder if you can bring any value to the forum? Maybe is some people think obscure pop song and indie artist references are worth anything then maybe your comments on ur favourite artists and or bands will be appreciated.

Some people always give the same answer for how they are so much so it's no longer worth asking them the question coz u already know what they'll say.

My whole point with the dollar fiasco was to remind folks its just a forum...nobody dies here, etc.

2005-11-21, 04:43
lol...Thank You eclectic one! :)
I'm exploring my own sexuality...somehow, that is a frightening thought......and thought I'd ask some one who has been there what its like to 'walk on the wild side so to speak....a walk on the wild side is ...well ...wild. ...and somehow...just right.

PS: My reference to the music artists is neither indie or obscure, in fact my large blob of a friend, it was rather carefully thought out before even being mentioned ....NOW! ...go listen to "Infected Mushroom - The Gathering" ...if it isn't already, it shall become ...a CLASSIC! :)

2005-11-21, 04:45
...oops ...I forgot the sign ...lol!

2005-11-21, 23:37
lol...Thank You eclectic one! :)
...somehow, that is a frightening thought......a walk on the wild side is ...well ...wild. ...and somehow...just right.

PS: My reference to the music artists is neither indie or obscure, in fact my large blob of a friend, it was rather carefully thought out before even being mentioned ....NOW! ...go listen to "Infected Mushroom - The Gathering" ...if it isn't already, it shall become ...a CLASSIC! :)

Please be nice to me. I don't require it nor do I deserve. I'm hardly the victim here as I tore through this place a year ago using it as if it were my own personal litter box.

edit: an oh how about posting a link?

Were you serious about suicide? I know some people who would gladly kill you for no other reason than they'd enjoy watching you die.

2005-11-22, 10:33
hey Maze :hippie: