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Butch and Elaine Beaty
      Maureen and I first met Butch and Elaine in the summer of 1971, when we were traveling east from Hollywood by way of the Canadian Rockies. We were driving our old Econoline van and had with us our kitten Sunshine, our surrogate baby. We camped out at Takkakaw Falls in Yoho National Park, and that was where we met the Beatys. They were about our age and were visiting the Rockies from Minnetonka, Minnesota, with their three kids: a dark-haired six-year-old named Brooke; a blonde four-year-old, Shelley; and a two-year-old adopted korean boy, Bok-Nam. In the evenings after the kids were asleep we would sit around the campfire and listen to tapes on their van's tape player. It was the first time I'd ever heard John Denver, and whenever I hear his sweet, clear voice singing "Country Roads" or "Leaving on a Jet Plane" I'm transported back to those clear, chilly evenings near Takkakaw Falls.
      After Maureen and I had moved to Iowa with our baby boy we traveled up to Minnesota to visit the Beatys. They took us sailing on Lake Minnetonka. And a year later we drove up to Lake Superior and went for another excursion with them there -- drinking piña coladas and getting more and more seasick.
     "Here, smoke this," Butch said, thrusting a joint in my direction. "This will settle your stomach."
      I sucked in the smoke and then puked over the side of the boat.
      Butch wasn't very happy about that.
![]()       Butch and Elaine had us all out to their place for dinner on June 21, 1986, when Tommy and Joel and I were on our way to the Canadian Rockies. Jay, who'd been putting the three of us up at his place and who came to dinner with us, recorded this typical Beaty moment -- me groping Elaine, Butch making horns of his fingers.
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