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      When Maureen and I first made Phil's acquaintance he was in a crib in Arlington, Massachusett -- a fat-faced little cherub resembling John Mitchell, the U.S. attorney general in the Nixon years. He'd lost some of that baby fat by the time of the Glassboro photo, though not quite enough to make himself look either like a palestinian terrorist, Daniel Day-Lewis, or a pitchman for Pepperidge Farm cookies. (But hey! He was only a year old!)
      He didn't even look like an editor in those days. But just look at him now!
      Here's a Christmas card (put out by the ASCP Press) Phil sent me in 1993. Phil's the one holding the first "E." ASCP stands for the American Society of Clinical Pathologists -- the folks Phil is an editor for in Chicago.      There are sure (excuse me: surely) a lot of (a plethora of? a pride of? an intensity of? an anal-retentiveness of?) writers and editors in this family! |
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      While I was living in the midwest Phil and his girlfriend Linh-Chi came to visit in Iowa City two or three times (and I visited them occasionally too, usually on my way east). They came in the summer of 1992 so I could do Linh-Chi's portrait.
      Phil came out to the bay area on Thanksgiving weekend, 1994, to visit his old pal Neville -- a friend since kindergarten days in Allentown, Pennsylvania -- in beautiful East Palo Alto. The two of them chose a dreary Sunday morning to drive down to Santa Cruz and met me at Lois's place.
      At that time Lois was still living in Dianne Cornell's house on Lion's Field road -- "Not exactly what I pictured when you told me she lived in a basement apartment," Phil said. Evidently basement apartments in Chicago aren't surrounded by redwoods and don't have terrific views of blue-green mountaintops!
      While Lois stayed behind to do yoga with an exercise video, Phil and Neville and I did a brief, damp hike up the hill from Lois's place and then went downtown and had minestrone soup at Zoccoli's delicatessen on Pacific avenue. Then to Rhythm Fusion nearby. Neville, a musician and drummer, said, "I've gone to heaven."
      Phil wanted to check out the boardwalk, but instead we went over to the lighthouse, where Neville and I joined an Arthur Hull drum circle down on the beach while up above us on West Cliff Phil walked back and forth for a couple of hours trying to stay warm. "That California sunshine -- what a myth!", he wrote me later. "The drum circle ... seemed quintessentially California, and I enjoyed the barking of the sea lions offshore during the lulls in the beat. I imagine it was much more interesting to be part of the circle [than] watching it."
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      Phil at Zoccoli's delicatessen-- the perfect pitchman for Pepperidge Farm cookies.
      Phil flew out again in October 1998 to visit Neville and other friends. He rented a cherry-red Miata convertible, and though it was another grey, chilly day in northern California, we cranked up the heat and sped down the coast with the top down. Cool, daddy!
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      Phil at the top of Rocky Ridge where we stopped for lunch. "Are you going to add that to your website?", he said when I took his photo. "Sure!", I said, laughing at the ridiculousness of such a suggestion.
[Nota bene: This page, like all the others in this site, is in progress. Please let me know if you find anything false, misleading, offensive, or intrusive to your privacy. Let me know too if there's a photo or something in the text that should be removed or something that should be added. I have not set up this site primarily for my own sake but for my family and friends -- and I welcome all corrections, additions, and suggestions about how to improve it!]
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        Tommy and Joel in Canadian Rockies
Copyright © 1999 T. N. R. Rogers. All rights reserved. Last revised 24 aug 99.